This zip file contains files of data to support FHWA-JPO-16-370, Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Testbed Development and Evaluation to Support Dynamic Mobility Applications (DMA) and Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) Programs - San Mateo Testbed Analysis Plan : Final Report. Zip size is 1.5 GB. The files have been uploaded as-is; no further documentation was supplied by NTL. All located .docx files were copied to .pdf document files which are an archival format. These .pdfs were then added to the zip file alongside the original .docx files. The attached zip files can be unzipped using any zip compression/decompression software. These zip file contains files in the following formats: .pdf document files which can be read using any pdf reader; .docx document files which may be opened with Microsoft Word or some other open source document editors; .xlsx spreadsheet files which may be opened with Microsoft Excel or some other open source spreadsheet editors; .syn files are a proprietary file format for signal timing plans which are provided in the Synchro Model given as “El Camino Real Synchro.syn” and can be opened using Trafficware Synchro, which may require users to purchase a license or software (for more information go to; .csv data files, an open format, which may be opened with any text editor or in many spreadsheet applications; .db generic database files, often associated with thumbnail images in the Windows operating environment; .rbc files, which are scripts written in Rembo-C, which can be opened in a text editor, but require a server with Rembo installed to run the scripts; .vap audio files which will require special audio editing software to manipulate; .dll dynamically linked files for Windows program operations; .layx, a file type on which we could not locate reliable information; and .inpx files, a file type on which we could not locate reliable information [software requirements]. These files were last accessed in 2017. Files were accessed in 2017. Data will be preserved as is.