The datasets in the .pdf and .zip attached to this record are in support of Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) report FHWA-JPO-15-222, "Impacts Assessment of Dynamic Speed Harmonization with Queue Warning: Task 3, Impacts Assessment Report". The files in these zip files are specifically related to the US-101 Testbed, near San Mateo, CA. The uncompressed and compressed files total 2.0265 GB in size. The files have been uploaded as-is; no further documentation was supplied by NTL. All located .docx files were converted to .pdf document files which are an open, archival format. These .pdfs were then added to the zip file alongside the original .docx files. The attached zip files can be unzipped using any zip compression/decompression software. These zip file contains files in the following formats: .pdf document files which can be read using any pdf reader; .xlsxm macro-enabled spreadsheet files which can be read in Microsoft Excel and some Tech Report spreadsheet programs; .accdb database files which may be opened with Microsoft Access Database software and Tech Report open database software applications ; as well as .db generic database files, often associated with thumbnail images in the Windows operating environment. [software requirements] These files were last accessed in 2017. File and .zip file names include: FHWA_JPO_15_222_INFLO_Performance_Measure_METADATA.pdf ; FHWA_JPO_15_222_INFLO_Performance_Measure_METADATA.docx ; ; ; ; and,