The objective of this project was to develop system designs for programs to monitor travel time reliability and to prepare a guidebook that practitioners and others can use to design, build, operate, and maintain such systems. Generally, such travel time reliability monitoring systems are built on top of existing traffic monitoring systems. The focus of this project was on travel time reliability. The data from the monitoring systems developed in this project – from both public and private sources –included, wherever cost-effective, information on the seven sources of non-recurring congestion. This data was used to construct performance measures or to perform various types of analyses useful for operations management as well as performance measurement, planning, and programming. The work on Project L02 began with a research phase. The primary results of Project L02 research were a guidebook and a final report. An additional contribution of the research showed that it may be possible to add the variability of travel time from one segment to another. Another contribution of the research was the development of a queuing point model, an application that analytically determines travel time reliability over a freeway segment. The supporting zip file contains case study datasets for SHRP 2 Report S2-L02-RR1: Establishing Monitoring Programs for Travel Time Reliability, The files are in comma separated value (.csv) format. The compressed zip file is 84.15 MB. These files can be unzipped using any zip compression/decompression software. The .csv files can be read with any basic text editor.