Freight Facts and Figures
Freight Facts and Figures, developed by the Bureau of
Transportation Statistics (BTS), is a collection of charts and statistical
tables about freight transportation in the United States. These interactive visualizations and tables
provide a snapshot of freight movement; the extent, condition, and performance
of the freight transportation system; the economic characteristics of the
transportation industry and
its contribution to the U.S. economy; and the safety, energy, and
environmental aspects of freight transportation.
The digital version of Freight Facts and
Figures replaces the printed publication that was produced annually from
2004 to 2018. The digital format features
interactive charts and tables, content updates on a regular basis, and open and
accessible data.
BTS strives to continually improve Freight Facts and Figures. If you have a suggestion on how to make this product better, find an issue, or have a question, please contact us at at We welcome your feedback.
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Quality assurance statement
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) provides high quality information to serve government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes broad understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of the information presented. BTS reviews quality issues on a regular basis and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvements.