Aviation Facts & Figures - Performance
Arrival Performance by Operating Carrier
In 2023, 84.64% of the flights arrived within 15 minutes of the scheduled arrival time. Delta Airlines had the best on-time performance of the major carriers with 90.66% of the flights arriving on-time. Southwest Airlines had the most cancelled flights (1,337 flights) with a cancellation rate of 0.35%.
Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Airline On-Time : Marketing Carrier On-Time Performance (Beginning January 2018)
Arrival Performance by Marketing Carrier
In 2023, 84.74% of the flights arrived within 15 minutes of the scheduled arrival time. The Delta Air Lines Network had the best on-time performance with 90.42% of the flights arriving on-time. JetBlue Airways had the worst on-time performance with only 74.11% of the flights arriving on-time.
Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Airline On-Time : Marketing Carrier On-Time Performance (Beginning January 2018)
Causes of Cancellations
Weather flight cancellations are the most common since 2018 (excluding 2020) representing 52.0% of all flight cancellations. Carrier flight cancellations are the second most common and represent 32.7% of the flight cancellation sine 2018 (excluding 2020). Finally, flights are cancelled 15.2% of the time due to the National Aviation System (NAS). About fifty thousand flights have been cancelled since 2018 (excluding 2020).
Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Airline On-Time : Marketing Carrier On-Time Performance (Beginning January 2018)
Delayed Flights
Since 2018, the NAS experienced the most delayed flights on January 11th, 2023. About 10,422 flights were delayed 15 minutes or more that day. The top 4 airports with the most delayed flights since 2018 are ORD, DFW, DEN and ATL. Total flight delays amount to more than a thousand years since 2018.
Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Airline On-Time : Marketing Carrier On-Time Performance (Beginning January 2018)