Monthly Transportation Statistics

Timely, high-quality national stats from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics
With these statistics, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) presents in a single page the latest monthly and quarterly data from across government and the transportation industry. Monthly Transportation Statistics contains more than 60 time-series from nearly two dozen sources. For selected weekly transportation measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit The Week in Transportation.
And we’re not finished! We want to hear from you about which statistics you find useful and what statistics you’d like to see here. So, please, share your comments, suggestions, and questions with us at

General Economic Statistics

Transportation Economic Statistics

Transportation Services Index

Personal Spending on Transportation

Transportation Employment

Motor Vehicle Sales

Motor Vehicle Sales - Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rates

Fuel Prices

Capital Expenditures

Highway Construction

State and Local Government Construction Spending

System Use

Highway Travel

Intercity Passenger Rail Travel

Transit Ridership

Docked Bikeshare Trips

Air Travel

Air Travel - Adjusted for Seasonality

Truck Tonnage

Freight Rail Traffic

Air Cargo


Border Crossings

System Performance


Highway Fatalities

Rail Fatalities

Air Fatalities

Disclaimer: The numbers displayed in measure tiles are rounded. They do not represent official statistics; rather, these statistics reflect the latest data compiled by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and are subject to revision.
Quality Assurance Statement: BTS provides high quality information to serve government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. BTS reviews quality issues on a regular basis and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.
The Week in Transportation
Selected transportation measures during the COVID-19 pandemic