Transportation Cost Burden
Transportation Expenditures by Selected Household Characteristics and Income Quintile
Transportation cost burden measures the percentage of income that a household spends on transportation. The cost of transportation, the modes available, and the modes used affect the total households spend on transportation. This page looks at spending on transportation by various household geographic and socio-economic characteristics and income level in the three most recent years of data available.
Composition of Income Quintiles | Percent Of Income Spent on Transportation | Change in Share of Income Spent on Transportation
Composition of Income Quintiles
The chart below represents the composition of the five income quintiles. Use the drop down on the left to view the chart by different characteristics which are, family type, ethnicity, households with members over 65, households with earners vs. no earners, race, region, urban vs. rural, and work status.
Composition of Income Quintiles | Percent Of Income Spent on Transportation | Change in Share of Income Spent on Transportation
Percent of Income Spent on Transportation
The chart below shows average daily travel (vehicle trips, vehicle miles traveled, person trips, or person miles) and the percent of income (before- or after-tax) spent on transportation by select household characteristics and income quintile. The characteristics in this chart are, family type, households who have at least one member 65 or older, household earner status, race and ethnicity, region, urban vs. rural, and work status. The filter below the dropdown allows for further drill down of the characteristics. The error bars at the end of each bar show the confidence interval within which the true value is 90% likely to fall.
Data in this figure are for the most recent year available from each dataset.
Composition of Income Quintiles | Percent Of Income Spent on Transportation | Change in Share of Income Spent on Transportation
Change in Share of Income Spent on Transportation
This chart shows the change in the share of income (before- or after-tax) spent on transportation over the past three years by select characteristics and income quintile. The characteristics in this chart are, family type, households who have at least one member 65 or older, household earner status, race and ethnicity, region, urban vs. rural, and work status. The filter below the dropdown allows for further drill down of the characteristics. The label at the end of the bars shows the change in share +/- the standard error representing the mean change and the range the true value is 90% likely to fall within.
Data in this figure are for the four most recent years of data available.
Recommended citation
U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transportation Economic Trends, available at